Saturday, January 9, 2010

Can Renewable Energy be Affordable?

President Obama thinks economical and green go together, too as he announced that $2.3 billion in tax credits to be awarded to renewable energy manufacturers and other green technologies. This means American made wind turbines, energy cells and solar panels to aid in America’s production of energy.

The money, coming from the 2009 $787 billion stimulus program should create approximately 17,000 green jobs.

Getting Americans back to work while trying to catch up with the rest of the world in clean energy sounds like a win-win prospect. The development of green technology gets a boost, consumers can buy economical renewable energy products manufactured in the US rather than imported and pay for them with wages earned from new American green jobs.

The past and future seem at war as we watch politicians try to bend the trends of renewable energy in the US. From the fight about the realities of human effect on global warming to the arguments that xxx number of new jobs is just a drop in the bucket to our unemployment woes, the fact that even baby steps in catching up to the rest of the world in clean, affordable renewable energy goes right over the heads of many people.

China, on the other hand, seems to have embraced the idea that development of renewal energy is an economic winner as they move forward with incentives to grow the industry.

It’s not just the tree huggers demanding renewable energy anymore. Economists are starting to be won over.

photo under morgueFile Free License Agreement

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